A Gallery of Mansion Movie Scenes
Portraits and Photographs

Holiday 1938

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Portrait of the Grandfather Seaton hanging in the Library of the Mansion
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Portrait of Julia and Linda Seaton’s mother hanging in the

The Philadelphia Story 1940
Photos on the Society page of “The Philadelphia Chronicle” Newspaper announce The upcoming wedding of Tracy Lord Haven (Katherine Hepburn) former wife of C.K. Dexter Haven to Mr. George Kitteridge (John Howard) to take place at the mansion home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Lord.

The Magnificent Ambersons 1942
Major Amberson (Richard Bennett), his daughter Isabel Minafer (Delores Costello) son-­‐in-­‐law Wilber Minafer (Donald Dillaway) and young spoiled George Minafer standing in the forefront form a tableau cum portrait in front of the Amberson Mansion


Photos of Norma Desmond (Gloria
Swanson) fill every surface in her
Italianate Sunset Blvd. mansion


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Joe Gilles (William Holden) in front
of Norma Desmond’s full-­‐length oil
portrait dominating the central room.




Sunset Boulevard 1950